Finnly the Frog: Finding Friends
On the lush island of Bali, the time has come for tiny Finnly the Frog to leave his loving parents and move to his own home.Finn finds the vast world outside the familiar home pond a bit scary. It teems with eerie wonders and creatures that cast restless shadows on the paths. Max, a resourceful mouse, promises to help with his ever-optimistic friend, Gaspar the Gecko. Soon, the new cozy home in a swimming shoe is decorated and ready to welcome and entertain guests. Finn doesn't remain scared for long, as exciting adventures quickly captivate his mind. Through these adventures, Finn and his friends learn the courage to search for a soft heart in their different and even the most scary-looking neighbors. They also discover new things about themselves and uncover skills they had never even dreamed of.
Genre: Children's
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