Genres : Children's
The Dragon in the Jar (Novellae Draconum) by Carmine Bruzi
Date: 11/23/2024
Iomran is a dragon hunter. But his brother, Duin, has a more gentle heart. And he must take a terrible decision when Iomran brings a live dragonlet inside a glass jar. Save the poor creature...
Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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Adventures of a Pangopup (Endangered and Misunderstood Animals Book 2) by Terri Tatchell
Date: 11/21/2024
What baby pangolin wants to stay indoors being safe all the time? Not this one! Pangopup is convinced he is old enough to leave his burrow and explore the great big world outside. When his...
Genre: Animals
Book Length: 0-60 Pages
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Cats Don’t Like That!: A Hilarious Children’s Book For Kids Ages 3-7 (Cats Don’t Like!) by Andy Wortlock
Date: 11/21/2024
***Winner of the 2023 Feathered Quill Award - Best Children's Picture Book*** Cats are loveable little kitty wants to make sure you understand what cats don't like before your family brings one home. Cats...
Genre: Children's
Book Length: 0-60 Pages
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Fairy Tales: From Around the World (Fairy Tale Book, Bedtime Stories for Kids ages 6-12) by Teya Evans
Date: 11/21/2024
Do you read bedtime stories for your child? Don't modern heroes seems too boring to you? Try to plunge into the fairy tale world filled with ancient, magical creatures: elves, fairies, mermaids, dragons... This fairy...
Genre: Children's
Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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The Diary of Henry Chimpman: Volume 1: From the Forest to the Zoo (a fiction book for kids 8-10 and 9-12) by Nathaniel Gold
Date: 11/19/2024
Henry Chimpman was supposed to be the first chimpanzee in space. Before the world knew his name, Henry and his family were immigrants to America. Growing up was not easy for this young chimp but...
Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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Adventures Of A Mad Scientist by Mike Bloemer
Date: 11/19/2024
A trio of young teens must help their eccentric mad scientist uncle save the world from a lunatic hi-tech arms dealer and his army of killer robots. A globe-trotting sci-fi thriller for kids and young...
Genre: Adventure, Science Fiction
Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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Date: 11/19/2024
Second in the Egmont School Series: Davina Dupree is excited to be back in her luxury boarding school after the half term holidays, especially as famous Hollywood director Alfie Calpone will soon be arriving to...
Genre: Fantasy
Book Length: 0-60 Pages
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Date: 11/16/2024
Are you fascinated by the world of baseball cards, seeking to share this passion with your children while teaching them about the value of history, collecting, and the stories behind the game's greatest players? Do...
Genre: Sports
Book Length: 60-150 Pages
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Song of the Mountain (Mountain Trilogy Book 1) by Michelle Isenhoff
Date: 11/16/2024
Nominated for a 2013 Cybils Award Semifinalist in the Kindle Book Review 2013 Book Awards Readers' Favorite 5 Star Seal Mud and mire shall birth a tree, A sprout shall grow of ancient seed. The...
Genre: Literature
Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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Date: 11/16/2024
This is the fourth book in the Orangey the Goldfish book series. This particular story follows Billy as he takes Orangey to school for his show and tell. As you can imagine it becomes an...
Genre: Early Learning
Book Length: 0-60 Pages
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