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Date: 5 March, 2022

Beyond Classwork – How to prepare for a successful adult life to achieve your dreams and live life how you want toHow prepared are you to leave the nest and start living on your own – away from your parents’ shadows?Are you about to be of age but feel inadequate to move out and run a household on your own?Would you like to understand the 8th wonder of the world – adulthood and everything in between?Adulthood comes with its share of joys and challenges, and age doesn’t always mean that you are ready to live independently.Known as the advent of...

Date: 24 February, 2022

Following unexpected severe events at their small farm, twins Alex, and Karl, have to leave home to help their family manage through the winter. Walking along the coastal path, they come across an Arabic sailing boat, which, following an earlier storm, had been violently beached the night before.They find three survivors, two sailors, and a young girl. She is heir to the Halqi throne. They help repair the boat and get the survivors back to their home on the island of Halqi. This is where their adventure starts. The King becomes incapacitated, leaving the young girl to govern her country....

Date: 17 February, 2022

Lucas the lion cub and Emily the baby elephant get lost in a flood and separated from their parents! Join in their adventure as they travel to find their families, and make some wonderful friends along the way. A story about friendship, kindness, and above all, family.

Date: 3 February, 2022

I always wanted to own a blues bar but soon realised that I had neither the money or the know how. Instead, I decided to write about one.Joby Black loves blues music. As an average man, living an average life, his future is looking well … very average. Then out of nowhere a legacy from his long-lost, errant uncle turns his world upside down and Joby’s average life will never be the same again.So, forget Socrates (the old Greek philosopher guy, not the old Brazilian footballer guy) - if you’re searching for insightful thoughts, look no further than the lyrics of...

Date: 31 January, 2022

How would the first contact with alien beings take place? This is one such possible tale.   A navigational failure leaves the factory ship Pacoyma lost in the depths of the dark matter stream used by their interstellar drive. The saucer is not a warship but an unarmed mining and space materials retrieval vessel. This alien humanoid race exits the dark matter realm and discovers Earth, an inhabited planet with the resources they need. The numadi, a species with a hive mind, seek aid in returning to their sector of the galaxy, if they can find it.   Unlike other...

Date: 27 January, 2022

Everyone from young to old wishes to be included. Yet you, yes you…you amazing and bright young one... have the gift and ability to make sure that everyone around you feels included and accepted. It starts with every single one of you: invite others just as you always want to be invited. With each intentional step of inclusion, my prayer is that soon we’ll have a world where everyone feels welcome, and where they know that they are invited.

Date: 24 January, 2022

Ten year old Gabriel Jordan always wanted to be a magician. He just isn’t very good at it. His godmother writes to a mysterious traveling magician named Thrylos and begs him to visit Gabe, just to encourage him. To her surprise and Gabe’s, Thrylos does so—only it turns out that Thrylos doesn’t just do “magic tricks.” He’s a real magician, and he offers Gabe a magical adventure—any adventure—of his choice.Gabe thinks long and hard about this. Because Gabe’s godparents adopted him when he lost his mom and dad, he knows what it is to be sad, and to need something...

Date: 13 January, 2022

A collection of short stories, poems and essays written by a ten-year-old girl, taking nine months to write. Her passion for writing began at the age of eight. She is also fond of drawing. The cover and back cover of this book and the illustrations inside of the book are all her work. She likes to write stories on different subjects at the same time. She started writing her second and third books this summer. Stay tuned for her next book.

Date: 6 January, 2022

Do you want to start your gardening journey? Well this book got your back. Doubting on growing your food in a raised bed? Get ready as you’ll find out plenty of benefits using this method. You will also be welcome with tips and tricks that will provide you with healthy and happier plants. From fruits and vegetables to flowers and ornamentals, this step-by-step handbook is the only guide you’ll need to get started with your vibrant raised bed garden today.